Sunday, October 9, 2011

workshop model?

Writer’s workshop…I continue to try and use writer’s workshop in my classroom.  I have the format down, my students love the time for writing BUT (and yes that’s a big BUT) it doesn’t seem to flow smoothly for me.  I have a hard time planning where to go with mini-lessons, how to stay connected to all students with conferences and then there’s the publishing piece…YUCK!  I quickly get overwhelmed with all the expectations and respsonsiblitlies that come with writer’s workshop and flounder while my students continue to love to write. 
SO….HELP!  how do I manage where to go next as teaching points?
            HELP how do I keep up on publishing and conferring?  So far….i’ve fallen apart in these areas and get frustrated easily which then seems to spoil the rest of the writing time for me.

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